Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Rack and Cue

Following the backroads from Birmingham I found myself finally in Cullman, AL.  I'd always wanted to go there to see what it was all about if you can believe that.  I just can't remember why I needed to go there.  Is it history or family that drew me in I haven't a clue?  Anyway, I saw the sign and took the turn onto Hwy 31. 

On a quiet sleepy, dreary Saturday morning my eye spied the Rack and Cue sitting inconspicuously on Main Street.  I am comfortable in a pool hall.  I've won my share of games.  I've gotten drunk around a few tables.  It was one of those pool halls dying.  It called to me even though I no longer frequently play as I once did.  Pool isn't "In" now as Dustin explained.  "After "The Hustler" and "The Color of Money" pool got big for a while, but not now."

Here I am in this pool hall talking to this "tall drink of water" of a man. And I mean tall.  He told me he was 6'5''.  I said, "was"?  He said, "last he measured a few 20 years ago he was".  Intrigued I was by his humor.  We were off into lots of stories.  Among pool stories and antiques we talked about the Civil War and his great grandmother, Holda Bone, a Cherokee Indian who stood up to the Union Troops.  They came to take her husband, a Confederate soldier who fought in the Chickamauga and Vicksburg Battles, but who had had enough.  While standing at the door holding her rifle at her hip, she told them as they approach the porch they were welcome to come up but she doubt they'd be leaving.  They left and without their renegade.