Monday, August 15, 2011

Summer Boredom

Why is it that the grass is greener, the sky is bluer, the sun is brighter when I get a job? Summer is tough every year and every year I think this is it. They have found me out. I will never get another job.

I prepared this year and enrolled in a class at Watkins in Final Cut Pro (which is all too late according to this). It was an Intro class so I can't say I learned a lot of things but it served it's purpose for me in some ways. It got me out of the house for one, but not away from this "life suck" computer. I met people, learned the proper way to save projects, and saw that I have a fun time even in a FCP class. In all it was a success. I did not have Wednesdays to obsess. I was busy in my new venture of being a student.

Over at a private group of women photographers blog I got busy submitting imagery for an exhibit and much needed connection. We met or rather they met and included me at Foto Fest in Houston. To round this post back to photography, here are images I sent in to them for a meeting we had in Chicago this past weekend. Hopefully I will be seeing them again or rather for the first time in some cases at 2012 Foto Fest Session 3.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Featured on PDN

I am featured on PDN this month. Here is the link and another look at Stinkbug Project.

For more on Stinkbug Project please go here and maybe buy a dog biscuit

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year and Hoping for Non - Extinction

Started my year off silently and effortlessly. No resolutions for me. Let's just all live life lightly. Who knows we may all be extinct shortly.

According to the scientist at Antarctica, man is surely not long for this earth. I really am not being a pessimist today. I only finished watching Werner Herzog's documentary Encounter at the End of the World. Go deeper and explore here.

The documentary put me in mind of a one I watched a while back by Philip Groning called Into Great Silence.

Some beautifully arranged words said early on by one of the characters interviewed that I'd like to use for myself sometime was " of our mind; a world of ideas...."

The documentary is listed in the adventure, travel documentary section, but I'd say it was more than that. It is a film on human study with a little antarctic history lesson. All of it shot with a tone of science fiction and a touch of spiritual influences.

A thought provoking way to end the first day of the first year of a new decade.